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We ship our products worldwide! Shop from our huge collection of sex toys throughout our site. Orders are shipped via DHL usually shipped from us within the next business day.
Orders ship from our warehouse in Greece. You will receive an email with your tracking number as soon as your order leaves our warehouse. If you have not received your shipping confirmation email please check your SPAM folder.
Please note: Processing and packaging times also apply. Delivery times stated are for shipping only and are estimated.
DHL offers the above shiping methods:
When your order leaves our warehouse you will receive an email stating your order tracking reference number. To check the status of your shipment please follow this link and enter your tracking number in the designated box. Postal services in most countries, enable up to date tracking when the packages arrive at their destination.
Please note: Live tracking is only available after the carriers initially scan the package. In many cases tracking information appears only after the package is reaching the closer unit. Between the time the item leaves Megasexshop and the time it is scanned, tracking numbers may not show any results. If you need any help please contact us , quoting your order reference and tracking number, and we shall help you check the status of your order.
The packaging is discreet as there is no mention of the website's name nor any logos while it is packaged twice.
More so, all of the shippings are enclosed in a bag which is then placed in a box which contains the name of the Courier Company and the sender name " Top Solutions Web Services" a name which you won't find any mention of on the internet for discretion purposes.
The same applies for the Phone Numbers listed on the Voucher which are different than the ones posted for Sexshop.