How many sex videos have we seen with the famous fisting and we were left with our mouths open? How many times have we said "it is excluded, such a thing does not happen"? And yet, it is done and in the right way it can give unique orgasms. The MegaSexShop team is here to teach you all the secrets around fisting and to make you integrate it safely into your sex life.

What is fisting?

In scientific terms, fisting is when the entire arm up to the wrist or more enters the vagina. This can be done either when the hand is in a fist or by stepping in by adding one finger at a time. In the same way it can be done anal.

But let's start from the beginning. Even before our first complete sexual intercourse, the "game" is done with the fingers, at first one, then two and after we have relaxed both literally and in terms of moral barriers and stress, then we proceed to penetration. This is exactly what happens with fisting, relaxation is everything. Women...

July 14, 2021